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Patient Snapshot is available through the Connie Portal and offers a summary view of key patient information with a simple click. Patient Snapshot also provides a quick and easy way to navigate to other Connie applications for more detailed information, empowering healthcare teams with better data. 


  • Patient demographic information includes the patient name, gender, date of birth (DOB), phone number, address, and (when available) Medicaid ID based on the most recent patient record provided to Connie. 

  • The patient’s next of kin with contact information. 

  • The patient’s emergency, inpatient, outpatient, and/or ambulance encounters displayed as a histogram by encounter type across a flexible date range

  • Care team information, which typically includes a list of practices providing care and the associated primary care provider. It can include a care manager or a care program if the patient is enrolled with one.


Jesse Carins, MD | Specialist 
Before Jesse meets with a patient during a visit, he uses the Snapshot feature to identify any potential issues that he needs to be aware of and discuss with his patient. With just a few clicks, Jesse can view their care team and any healthcare encounters they had in the past year, providing him with a quick orientation before diving into their medical details to prepare for the appointment.

Please contact your Account Manager for more information on additional services or email us at

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