Connie provides additional services to help organizations derive benefits from their participation in Connie. Access to services is only permitted when it adheres to Connie’s data release policy, and participants have signed our data sharing agreement. The policy was developed to ensure compliance with state and federal health information and interoperability rules, which collectively govern how and under what legal authority we are permitted to disclose data.
The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) has implemented a value-based care initiative for home and community-based service (HCBS) providers. The initiative includes providing HCBS organizations access to their clients’ HCBS-program-related data through Connie. The purpose is to leverage Connie to better provide whole-person care.
Connie Connect Gateway Service
Connie is building our Connect Gateway to support a variety of outbound, curated data feeds, including ADTs, labs, and (in the future) parsed CCDs—separate, curated lists of immunizations, medications, problems, allergies, and vital records sourced from CCDs. Curated data feeds combine, deduplicate, and normalize data from disparate sources to deliver a more complete list of patient clinical and encounter information to participating organizations. Data can be hydrated to add important details that may be missing from your records but available from other participating organizations—like specific or updated patient demographic information—or filtered to deliver information for a specific subset of a population—like labs results for patients with elevated A1C levels to support targeted diabetes management programs.
Data & Analytics (coming soon)
Connie is developing aggregated population health reports that drill down to patient-level detail to assist organizations better understand their patient population, identify gaps in care, and ultimately improve patient care and outcomes.
Academic Research (coming soon)
One of Connecticut's goals for the statewide HIE is to support academic research because research helps to inform ongoing advances and improvements in health care and support the state’s overall public health goals. As such, Connie is developing an academic research service that adheres to all federal and state laws, and Connie’s board policies.
Connie Custom Solutions
Have a specific project that requires a customized solution? Connie will work with you to determine the use case, permitted purpose, and (if approved) data available to support your project requirements.
Please contact your Account Manager for more information on additional services or email us at info@conniect.org!