Connie offers a variety of tools and services to empower consumers to make effective healthcare decisions and promote patient-centered care. We strive to improve the quality, safety, and value of healthcare while reducing waste and duplication of services. Our goal is to promote interoperability for licensed healthcare providers and equip organizations with a wide range of services to enhance patient care and connect care teams. With Connie, you can expect a more connected and efficient healthcare ecosystem in Connecticut.
Benefits of connecting with Connie include better sharing of clinical information across all healthcare settings, supporting care coordination among healthcare teams, reducing preventable costs associated with readmissions, duplicate testing, and errors, supporting public health reporting, academic research, and population health analytics, and promoting standards and interoperability. Additionally, patients will soon have access to their own health information.
One of our standout tools is the Connie Portal, a standalone, secure web-based access point to all of Connie’s tools for our participating organizations. The Portal provides streamlined access with secure login using two-factor verification. The Connie Dashboard, located on the home page, allows credentialed users to launch applications and conduct patient searches quickly and efficiently for all Connie tools in one location. Learn More
The InContext App, also known as the Clinical Information app when accessed through the Connie Portal, is a flexible, convenient tool that a care team can use to access their patient’s clinical information without leaving their own EMR. Using the app, users are authenticated and presented with their patient’s clinical information without having to log in to a separate system and initiate a new patient search.
InContext is a clinical query tool that allows users to view clinical records, including a patient’s care team, from other Connie participating organizations. Clinical information accessible using the InContext app includes prior hospitalizations, encounters, labs, radiology results, and images in a streamlined platform. The InContext app facilitates care coordination across organizations, benefiting healthcare providers and patients alike. Learn More
Connie is working hard to improve your access to your own health information, regardless of where you’ve been for healthcare in Connecticut. The "patient access" approach enables you to access your health information from your different providers while giving you a choice in personal health applications (PHA) to choose from once confirming your identity. Learn More
Patient Portal (coming soon)
The Connie Patient portal will provide you with timely, secure, and direct access to your electronic health information, free of charge. We are designing it to support a single access point for your health information no matter where you are getting healthcare from within Connecticut. The tool will provide a list of your healthcare visits, lab results, medications, noted problems, immunizations, and allergies collected from any of your healthcare providers that have completed their connection to Connie.
Patient Authorized Disclosures
Patients can authorize access to their health records for certain purposes. For example, you can authorize a life insurance company to access your health record for underwriting through Connie. Without your authorization, the life insurance company may not access your health record. Patient authorized disclosures are requested by the patient through the entity the patient designates to access their health record.
Connie Connect Gateway Service
Connie is building our Connect Gateway to support a variety of outbound, curated data feeds, including ADTs, labs, and (in the future) parsed CCDs—separate, curated lists of immunizations, medications, problems, allergies, and vital records sourced from CCDs. Curated data feeds combine, deduplicate, and normalize data from disparate sources to deliver a more complete list of patient clinical and encounter information to participating organizations. Data can be hydrated to add important details that may be missing from your records but available from other participating organizations—like specific or updated patient demographic information—or filtered to deliver information for a specific subset of a population—like labs results for patients with elevated A1C levels to support targeted diabetes management programs.
Data & Analytics (coming soon)
Connie is developing aggregated population health reports that drill down to patient-level detail to assist organizations better understand their patient population, identify gaps in care, and ultimately improve patient care and outcomes.
Academic Research (coming soon)
One of Connecticut's goals for the statewide HIE is to support academic research because research helps to inform ongoing advances and improvements in health care and support the state’s overall public health goals. As such, Connie is developing an academic research service that adheres to all federal and state laws, and Connie’s board policies.
Connie Custom Solutions
Have a specific project that requires a customized solution? Connie will work with you to determine the use case, permitted purpose, and (if approved) data available to support your project requirements.