Advance Health Care Directives (AHCD) are stored in disparate systems across healthcare providers. Many can be found in EHRs, hard copy files, patient homes, third-party vendors etc. Connie’s AHCD Service allows third-party vendors that hold patient directives to display those directives within the patient’s clinical information section.
At this time directives registered with ADVault using their MyDirectives service are being displayed within Connie.
Connie’s technology allows for connections to other third-party vendors as needed, set up as a query and retrieve infrastructure, currently available with ADVault.
Advance Directives are located within the Care Coordination subtab in both InContext and the Connie Portal.
Providers can see where the AHCD is from, the date the AHCD was created, and a brief description in a worklist.
A selected AHCD can be viewed, printed and/or saved.
Beth Cares | Clinical Care Manager
As a clinical care manager for a surgical office, having access to existing Advance Health Care Directive records within Connie allows me to initiate informed conversation with my patients about their advance care wishes.
Janet Parker | ED Provider
As an ED provider, by the time families are meeting me, they are likely already in a stressful situation. It feels reassuring to be able to reference a Directive a patient registered when engaging with their family so we can have informed decision making at the moment we need it.
Please contact your Account Manager for more information on additional services or email us at info@conniect.org!